Today’s Technology is Around With Many Stuffs

Mohammed Asif Ali
3 min readJan 1, 2021


Technology is constantly updating at such a rapid pace that it seems it is might be faster than light! A technology or a programming language that is making the rounds this week may be obsolete by the next few days! As more and more funds are invested in research and development, computer scientists and professionals are constantly tweaking and improving existing technologies to get the most out of them.

As a result, a new programming language, library, patch, or plug-in gets released almost every hour. To keep up with this crazy pace of development, you have to keep learning the latest technology concepts. We will look at the most trending technologies that you must learn. Learn about the top hottest skills to learn to get a job.Learning and enhancing your skills are vital in this technological era.Let’s us look at the below “Technological Era”.

1. Data Science
Next up in the list of latest technology concepts is not surprisingly Data Science. Data Science is the technology that helps to make sense of complicated data. You know that data is produced in a humungous amount every day by companies. This includes business data, sales data, customer profile information, server data, and financial figures.

2. Internet of Things
The IoT (Internet of Things) is a network of devices that are connected to each other. Their devices caninteract and share data with each other. These devices may be connected via WiFi, and they share data about their environments and how they are being used. These devices have a computer chip that facilitates this exchange.

3. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology used for equipping computer systems with the ability to make decisions like humans. Being one of the trending technologies, when AI programs are fed to systems, the aim is to mimic human intelligence for performing complex tasks such as pattern recognition, speech recognition, weather forecast and medical diagnosis.

4. Virtual Reality
VR is the technology by which you can immerse yourself in an environment that seems astonishingly realistic. It is the use of computer technology for creating a simulated environment. It is very popularly used for playing computer games. Unlike traditional games where you experience the gaming environment by viewing it on the screen, you are directly placed in the environment!

5. Edge Computing
The technology aims to run fewer processes in the cloud and shifting those processes to locations such as the user’s system or an edge server. Bridging this gap between the data and the computation reduces the long-distance communication between the server and the client, which in turn enhances the speed of the process. This is why edge computing is used for handling time-sensitive data stored in remote locations that have limited connectivity to the central location. The technology will make cloud computing and IOT devices faster.



Mohammed Asif Ali

A Computer Science Student in Osmania University.Passionate in developing websites and blogs. And curious about latest technology.